Lee Baldry

Television Presenter

Entertainment Presenter

Starting off in the music industry over a decade ago Lee got a role hosting a live game show called “it’s a knockout” touring Europe and worked for some of the best blue chip companies including Vodafone, Sony, Samsung, Barclaycard and Deutsche bank to name a few. Lee’s first TV role was on Bid-­‐up.tv where challenged by the intense live sales, Lee stayed on for three years Perfecting his “live” skills. Since this time and over the last 10 years Lee has worked for some of TV’s major players including Fremantle Media/Talkback Thames, SKY TV and ITV productions. Currently working on Supercasino on Channel 5 and has clocked over 8,000 hours of Live TV to date.

With a great knowledge of gadgets, gizmos, cars and travel and a love for showcasing new products Lee has been the resident gadget expert for Media 10’s Ideal Home show for almost a decade and has worked with companies such as SONY UK, Samsung and Phillips to take their product to the nation via channels such as QVC and shows such as Grand Designs Live with an in depth knowledge and a flair to connect the viewer with the product.


TECHnology & Gadgets

In depth knowlege of the latest tech & gadgets including smarthome automation and drones.

APPs and Smartphones

With two apps already released and used worldwide lee has and knowlege of Smartphone app developement and deployment.

Travel & Fitness

A lover of flying, travel and health and fitness lee has vast experince worldiwde


Creating small video projects with knowlege of Adobe After Effects and Premier Pro.


Bid-up TV

2002 - 2005

Live - Auction shoppping television.

Channel 5 - Supercasino

2009 - current

Live interarctive gambling show. Supercasino has been on TV for over 13 years and Lee has been hosting live every week for almost a decade.


2005 - 2008

Quizmania - live intseractive call TV show host. Call Tv had its moment and Quizmania Lead the field with its zany way of delivering a Big Breakfast style late night TV show with players winning up to £50,000. "the most fun anyone can have and call it work" - Lee

SONY UK - Product expert

2002 - 2015

Live tours, In product DVD demos & New porduct launches. QVC deal of the day SONY guest expert

Ideal Home Show

London - Glasgow

2000 - Present

Resident Technology, Gadget and smart home automoation expert. over 18yrs at the Ideal home show and the last 10 as resident tech expert. Launched products for clients such as SONY UK, Phillips, LG, HP, SAMSUNG & Renault

Grand Designs LIVE

2012 - Present

Home of the Future live host. Live Home building events across the UK



Showreel TV highlights

From ITV1 to channel 5.... over 9000 hours of live TV

ITV1 Quizmania

Ideal Home - Resident Tech Expert


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